Harington School is a post-16 free School which provides a programme of study with A level subjects at its core. Students will need to have achieved grade 6 or above in the subject they wish to study at A level. If a student wishes to study Science or Maths at A level they will need to achieve a grade 7. All students are expected to study at least three A levels. The majority of students travel from the local towns of Oakham, Stamford, Melton and Uppingham, although a smaller number do travel from further afield. Our published programme of study includes a weekly activities session and an academic enrichment session including volunteering, with which all students are expected to engage.
The primary aim for the School is to encourage each student to become a mature, independently-minded individual who has the necessary skills and knowledge to be of value to themselves and society. We know that every student is talented, so our role as educators is to ensure these talents are fully realised. To achieve this, we have high expectations of every student, emphasising the importance of hard work and doing one’s best in every circumstance.
Harington school ensures that students with SEN are supported in a wide variety of ways at all settings including:
- The ethos of the school is inclusive;
- Opportunity for support / provision to go on trips;
- A wide range of intervention strategies are applied through both pastoral and progress monitoring;
- A robust tutor, class or room teacher system to ensure all students have access to someone they know well and whose parents can access with ease;
- Students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) have key workers responsible for all aspects of their provision;
The guiding principles for this policy stem from the guidance provided in the Special Education Needs Code of Practice 2015 (Section 7). We believe that all students should be provided with opportunities to access the A level curriculum, with SEND students expected to make the same levels of progress as other students.
- The School will work in partnership with students, teachers, parents/guardians and other external agencies, including the Local Authority, to ensure that individual learning needs are addressed within the context of the School’s Programme of Study.
- The core principle is to ensure that the right type of support is given to students so that they can be stretched and challenged within the Programme of Study provided.
If you are planning to apply to Harington we would recommend contacting our SENCO, Jasmine Peveritt in the first instance and as soon as you are able. She can be contacted at Jasmine can advise about the nature of the school setting and the level of support available. This is particularly important is your child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) so that the school can be discussed in the Year 11 transition meeting. Further details about our SEND provision can be viewed through our policy available here.
Contact the team

- Jasmine Peveritt
- KS5 Harington Lead
- Jane Evans
- SEN Administrator