COVID Response – National Lockdown


This post adds to our previous post regarding our approach to remote learning that was updated on 17 December, if you have questions regarding our approach to remote learning please access this post here: COVID RESPONSE UPDATE: Remote learning and FAQ

We are currently in a national lockdown and School is closed to most students Year 12 and 13 letters  (JHR letter to Year 12 parents, JHR letter to Year 13 parents)

We have issued to parents and students this week a remote learning protocol which summarises expectations around engagement and behaviour. This can be read here: RDSF Remote learning and behaviour protocol January 2021.

You and your child will also receive next week a survey allowing you the opportunity to feedback on how remote and on-site learning is working for your family.

If you have any questions around our response to Covid-19 that this post does not answer please email and a member of the team will get back to you.


We are actively engaged in using lateral flow tests to support the continued attendance of staff and those students that need to. We have trained enough staff to maintain six testing bays and have already tested all the staff and students attending the federation site at least once – some 500 tests were carried out in our first week of operation. We plan to test every member of our community attending site on a weekly basis with additional testing and tracing of close contacts if we have a positive case.

If your child is not currently attending you will still be asked for your consent to allow testing to begin as soon as they return to on-site lessons. We will also shortly issue a training video for you and your child to reassure you how safe and easy the test is for your child to self-administer.


Following the government announcement that GCSE examinations will not be going ahead we have written to all of our year 13 students and parents to reassure them that grades will be awarded that are fair and reflect the hard work they have and will complete (JHR Year 13 Update following Prime Minister’s announcement).  Exams letter The government is about to start a two week consultation on how this process will work and we will write again with the School’s position whilst also encouraging parents to make their own response.


We continue to support a modest number of critical worker children and those students who have requested additional support during this challenging time. We therefore have a significant number of staff continuing to attend work as normal to support these students, to carry out tests and support students who are learning from home. We are restricting visitors to help keep our site covid-secure but parents may need to attend reception, for example, to pick-up learning resources. This should only be by invitation, we are not able to meet parents who attend site without a request by the School.