The School’s Transformation Plan has been agreed by the Local Governing Body and forms the strategic planning for a three year period. It is a full analysis of every aspect of the School’s work with respect to standards around teaching, behaviour, leadership and achievement. It contains a detailed review of each of these aspects in order to prioritise the areas which require further improvement. In the case of an Ofsted inspection it would also be used by the inspection team as our self-evaluation document.

Transformation Plan for 2024/25

Harington School has come a long way in 10 years. In September 2015 there were 39 students on roll and the building was made up of  four portakabins located in the Federation carpark. By contrast, there are now over 330 students on roll, lessons are delivered in a state of the art school and the results are consistently some of the best in the region. A major driving force behind this progress has been the annual Transformation Plan, which carefully examines all areas of school life and looks for where marginal gains can be made. The key priorities for this year’s Transformation Plan are as follows:

  • Following the successful introduction of A level Design and Technology in August 2024, we plan to re-introduce A level Music in August 2025.
  • Teachers to refine their Schemes of Work, reflecting on the sequencing of lessons / series of lessons.
  • Conduct subject reviews in maths, physics and Spanish to ascertain where improvements can be made.
  • Ensure the intervention programme targets those students who are currently on a B grade, but are capable of achieving A*/A.
  • Improving the Academic Enrichment Programme by introducing 2 accredited leadership courses: Sports Leaders Award (Level 3) and the Just Hack Me course on cyber security. We also plan to bring Greenpower (Engineering), Young Enterprise (Business) and Doc Soc (Medicine) into the Wednesday afternoon programme.
  • Focus on the role of the form tutor and support them with their work on attendance, progress, mentoring, pastoral support and delivery of the PSHE curriculum.
  • The School Senate have been tasked with reviewing the uniform policy, reviewing our approach to mobile phones, coming up with strategies to support good mental wellbeing at the school.
  • Explore how the School could secure the funding for an extension to the Harington building, thus allowing us to take more students in the future and meet the local demand for places.

At Harington there is no complacency and no acceptance of anything less than outstanding. You may read the Transformation Plan for 2024/25 here.

Transformation Plan for 2023/24

The key priorities from this year’s Transformation Plan are as follows:

  • To introduce A Level design and technology in August 2024.
  • To ensure the intervention programme targets those students who are currently on a grade B, but are capable of achieving an A*/A.
  • To grow the inter-house system to include more competitions and increase participation.
  • The School Senate have been tasked with improving the School’s rewards system and embedding the Pledge Passport.
  • To refine our approach to attendance, specifically monitoring and intervention.
  • To commission an external safeguarding review to ensure that the School remains fully compliant with Keeping Children Safe in Education and other relevant legislation.

You may read the Transformation Plan for 2023/2024 here.

Transformation Plan for 2022/23

As a school we are committed to raising student achievement.  Each year our ‘Transformation Plan’ takes an in-depth look at all elements of school life.  Areas under analysis include:

  • curriculum planning, delivery and outcomes;
  • personal development, behaviour and welfare; and
  • leadership and management.

In each area we seek to identify our strengths, gain a deeper understanding of our areas for development and then come up with a 12 month plan to bring about sustainable improvement. In 2022/23 our key priorities are as follows:

  • To ensure that students make outstanding progress in all subjects. A new intervention log will be introduced to monitor and support those students who are at risk of underperforming.
  • Continue to support the small number of students with SEND and those from a disadvantaged background.  These students will be discussed first at all leadership meetings and targeted support put in place as and when required.
  • To revisit the curriculum intent statements and schemes of work to ensure that each lesson, and series of lessons, build towards clearly defined end points.
  • Continue to raise the profile of Higher/Degree level Apprenticeships as an alternative to university.
  • Conduct a review of the School’s Dress Code Policy, consulting all key stakeholders to ascertain their views.
  • Continue to evaluate and refine our approach to mental health, in particular by ensuring that the school updates the website to include signposts directing parents and students alike to support. Ensure all of the different elements of Mental Health provision are brought together in one cohesive document.
  • Use the newly appointed Student Support Advisor to effectively monitor student absence and support those students at risk of persistent absence. Refining our current approach to attendance will make achieving our 96% target realistic.
  • Enhance our student rewards system so that achievements are recognised and valued.
  • Introduce the Post-18 Pledge Passport.  This should support students with their involvement in extracurricular activities and strengthen their university/Degree level Apprenticeship applications.
  • Continue to look at ways to reduce staff workload, without having a detrimental impact on the education of our students.
  • Active student recruitment to ensure that the School remains popular in 2023 and beyond.

You may read the Transformation Plan for 2022/2023 here.


Recovery Plan for 2021/22

We are calling this planning document our ‘Recovery Plan’ this year and not the ‘Transformation Plan’ to reflect our position in getting back to ‘normal’. It is not to suggest that Covid-19 prevented us from continuing to deliver high quality education, it is more to acknowledge that the impact of lockdowns, removal of public exams and disruption to normal routines has had an impact on students – some acutely and others less so. We aim to resume all areas of our broad curriculum and offer good quality support so that our students can re-establish positive learning routines and develop interpersonal skills and relationships that may have been affected by the imposed restrictions.

You may read the Recovery Plan for 2021/2022 here.

A summary of the targets for this academic year can be read here.


Transformation Plan for 2020/2021

The key priorities for 2020-2021 are:

  • All subjects achieve strong progress at ALPS 3 or better, placing the School in the top 25% of all schools nationally for post-16 provision.
  • Provision is in place to ensure high quality teaching and learning to support students consolidate their learning during lockdown and to carefully plan if an additional lockdown period is enforced.
  • Active recruitment will continue to ensure that the School remains well attended from September 2021 with clear guidance at admissions ensuring that all students start on appropriate courses.
  • All teams will review their curriculum to ensure that they have consolidated the sequence of delivery and the use of assessment and prep to support learning, particularly in light of any adjustments required due to lockdown. The success of this will be measured through a number of subject reviews and a target of ensuring that at least 90% of all lessons observed are good or better.
  • To develop our careers-based programme further with a particular emphasis on the support provided to those students following alternative post-18 routes. We will set a target of 70% of all students achieving their first-choice destination with at least 40% of those applying to university securing places at Russell Group or similarly prestigious universities.
  • To develop our Academic Enrichment programme further so that it feels relevant to all students regardless of their pathways. Our aim will be for at least 85% of all students to recognise the value of this programme in supporting their future career choices.
  • To ensure that at least 75% of students view our tutorial programme as engaging and relevant to their futures.

You can download a copy of the 2020/21 Transformation Plan here.

Transformation Plan for 2019/2020

2019/20 Transformation Plan will focus on;

    • All subjects achieve strong progress at ALPS 3 or better, placing the school in the top 25% of all schools nationally for Post-16 provision;
    • Active recruitment will continue to ensure that the school remains oversubscribed from September 2020 with clear guidance at admissions ensuring that all students start on appropriate courses;
    • All teams will review their curriculum to ensure that they have consolidated the sequence of delivery, the use of assessment and prep to support learning. The success of this will be measured through a number of subject reviews and a target of ensuring at least 90% of all lessons observed are good or better;
    • To develop our careers based programme further with a particular emphasis on the support provided to those students following alternative post 18 routes. We will set a target of 70% of all students achieving their first choice destination with at least 40% of those applying to university securing places at Russell Group or similarly prestigious universities;
    • To develop our Academic Enrichment programme further so that it feels relevant to all students regardless of their pathways. Our aim will be for at least 85% of all students, recognise the value of this programme in supporting their future career choices;
    • To ensure that at least 75% of students view our tutorial programme as engaging and relevant to their futures.

You can download a copy of the 2019/20 Transformation Plan here.

Transformation Plan for 2018/2019

2018/2019 Transformation Plan will focus on;

  • Performance of all subjects is at least 0.2 DfE score and ALPS 4 or better whilst attainment measures continue to be at least in line with 2018 outcomes.
  • Use the Gatsby benchmarks to enhance our careers based programme.
  • Continue to grow our extra-curricular offering and range of subject based trips and visits.
  • The tutorial programme covers the topics that students are most concerned about and is delivered to the same quality as other lessons in the School.
  • Active recruitment ensures that there is an increase of uptake to enable the School to grow.

You can download a copy of the 2018/2019 Transformation Plan here.

Transformation Plan for 2017-2018

2017/2018 Transformation Plan will focus on;

  • There is Outstanding teaching across all subject areas which will ensure students of all abilities make strong progress.
  • Students benefit from increased work-related experiences, opportunities and guidance.
  • There is an increased range of enrichment opportunities, especially in formalised Sport, Music and Drama.
  • The tutorial programme covers the topics that students are most concerned about and is delivered to the same quality as other lessons in the School.
  • A library is built that provides increased opportunities for independent research.
  • Active recruitment ensures that there is an increase of uptake so the School continues to grow.

You can download a copy of the Transformation Plan here.