Post-18 Programme of Study

All students at Harington are full time (over 600 hours of study per year) and work towards a core aim of completing an A-level programme of study in three or four subjects.  Students will also have timetabled private study lessons and where appropriate, intervention. Harington aims to provide each student with five hours and ten minutes of lessons per subject per week, twenty five minutes of PHSE including sex and relationship guidance, twenty five minutes of learning skills, one hour of academic enrichment (which focuses on access to university of apprenticeships) / volunteering and at least one hour and thirty minutes of sporting, musical or cultural activities.

Students are supported to undertake work experience. The term work experience refers to all forms of work-related activity including work tasters, running a student enterprise such as Young Enterprize / Charity Group, participation in social action (e.g. environmental group), volunteering or a work placement taken with an external employer*. The latter is particularly encouraged where the student is applying for those competitive courses that require distinct experience (e.g. medicine, veterinary, law).   Longer blocks of work experience are typically completed in holiday time or by prior agreement with the Head of School. Our Academic Enrichment Programme and broader Careers Policy actively support the requirement linked to work experience.

*The current situation with Covid-19 has made achieving work experience outside of school challenging but we continue to use our pathway programme to provide students with professional contacts virtually.

All subject areas will offer a range of additional optional opportunities which offer students wider experiences beyond the core academic curriculum. This will include a range of trips and visits, clubs and competitions that broaden their skills and knowledge. These opportunities will be shared with students at the beginning of each term or for trips and visits annually so that parents and students can plan for their involvement. We have a separate policy on trips and visits which should be read in conjunction with this one. Where there is a charge for such opportunities please read our separate Charging and Remissions Policy.

Additional information relating to our post-18 Programme of Study can be found within our Curriculum Policy.

Curriculum Information

Art & Design A levelDownload
Biology A levelDownload
Business A levelDownload
Chemistry A levelDownload
Computer Science A levelDownload
Design & Technology: Product Design A levelDownload
Economics A levelDownload
English A levelDownload
French A levelDownload
Further Mathematics A levelDownload
Geography A levelDownload
History A levelDownload
Maths A levelDownload
Physical Education A levelDownload
Physics A levelDownload
Psychology A levelDownload
Religious Studies (Philosophy, Ethics and Theology) A levelDownload
Spanish A levelDownload